Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The most personable people around the world

Hello, guys! Today I'll tell you about 10 nations with personable people. It's not the country, but the citizens. Maybe you all have your own ideas. No problem. It's depend on our mind. According to me, all humans are handsome and pretty, but always there are exceptions in our point of view, haha. Okay, here are 10 nations with personable citizens.

1. Italians
Giussepe Sulfaro, Italian young actor

According to me, Italians are handsome and beautiful, ordinary. Their skin isn't too white, not pale. It's bright-coloured, sunburn, and fresh. Their nose us ordinary, not too pug nor slanted. The southern Italians have thin hair, different with the northern which thicker. Male Italians usually have dark-coloured hair, while the females are brighter. Usually, Italians have dark-brown eyes. Handsome and pretty Italians are usually come from Venice or Milan, sometimes in Naples. In Rome, you can refresh your eyes with personable people around you. Italian is one of the European nations, they are including to Mediterranean tribe who lived in the Italian Peninsula. Italian ethnic groups in Europe also can be found in Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, France, Austria, and Switzerland. They are also including to immigrant nations in America, also a little in Libya and Northern Africa.
Italian girls in World Cup
Raoul Bova, well-known actor from Italy

Menurut saya, orang-orang Italia adalah orang-orang yang tampan dan cantik, biasanya. Kulit mereka tidak terlalu putih, tidak pucat. Kulit mereka berwarna cerah, terbakar matahari, dan segar. Hidung mereka biasa, tidak terlalu pesek ataupun mancung. Orang-orang Italia bagian selatan memiliki rambut tipis, berbeda dengan di utara yang berambut lebih tebal. Pria Italia biasanya memiliki rambut gelap, sedangkan wanitanya berwarna lebih cerah. Biasanya, orang Italia memiliki mata coklat gelap. Orang-orang Italia yang cantik biasanya berasal dari Venesia atau Milan, kadang-kadang ada juga yang berasal dari Napoli. Di Roma, kau bisa menyegarkan mata dengan orang-orang berparas menawan di sekelilingmu. Orang-orang Italia adalah salah satu bangsa Eropa, mereka termasuk Suku Mediterania yang tinggal di Semenanjung Italia. Sekumpulan orang-orang Italia di Eropa juga bisa dijumpai di Sisilia, Sardinia, Corsica, Perancis, Austria, dan Swiss. Mereka juga termasuk bangsa pendatang di Amerika, juga sedikit di Libya dan Afrika Utara.
Smiling Italian actress

2. Turks
Turks are a nation that lived in the large territory near the Black Sea and Bosporus Strait. They are so personable because they have been experiencing an assimilation process with the Balkans, that is European nations lived in Balkan Peninsula. Turkish have muscular body and western face, also bright skin. They have thin hair and mostly lived in large cities, such as Istanbul, Izmir, and Ankara. Large populations of Turks moved to Constantinople after Ottoman Turks Empire captured it, and after that the Sultan changed the name into Istanbul (from word Islam bul, Islamic city), the largest city and now become the highest Turkish populations in the world. Other than Turkey, Turks populations can be found in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Central Asia, Israel, and Iraq. A little population of Turks also can be found in Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Iran, Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. They're usually become the moslem minority in Europe and North America. Turks are including to Caucasoid race which lived in Asia.
Haluk Piyes, Turkish actor lived in Istanbul

Turki adalah bangsa yang tinggal di sebuah wilayah luas dekat Laut Hitam dan Selat Bosporus. Mereka sangat rupawan karena telah mengalami proses pembauran dengan orang-orang Balkan, yaitu bangsa Eropa yang tinggal di Semenanjung Balkan. Orang-orang Turki memiliki tubuh kekar dan wajah Barat, juga kulit cerah. Mereka memiliki rambut tipis dan sebagian besar tinggal di kota-kota metropolitan seperti Istanbul, Izmir, dan Ankara. Banyak orang Turki pindah ke Constantinophel setelah Kekaisaran Turki Ottoman merebutnya, dan setelah itu sang Sultan mengganti namanya menjadi Istanbul (berasal dari kata Islam bul yang artinya kota Islam), kota terbesar dan sekarang berpopulasi orang Turki terbanyak di dunia. Selain Turki, bangsa Turki juga bisa dijumpai di Arab Saudi, Suriah, Jordania, Asia Tengah, Israel, dan Irak. Populasi kecil bangsa Turki bisa ditemukan di Yunani, Bulgaria, Rusia, Iran, Kanada, Amerika Serikat, Australia, dan Britania Raya. Mereka biasanya menjadi minoritas muslim di Eropa dan Amerika Utara. Bangsa Turki termasuk ras Kaukasoid yang tinggal di Asia.
Haluk Piyes in action

Turkish girls walked in Izmir, Turkey

3. Middle East and Northern Africans
Bright skinned Northern Africans and people in Middle East are one of the 10 personable people around the world. They aren't only good in performance and face, but also in brain. In 2000 BC, Egyptians could build giant and unique architectures which can stand until now, they are Sphinx and Pyramids. Arabians also had found algebra (that's why it called 'aljabar') first before the Europeans took and developed it in north. White skinned people in Middle East can be found easily in Northern Africa, especially in Mediterranean coast along Egypt until Algeria. In Arabian Peninsula, they can be found in Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. There are a little of white skinned Arabian in Afghanistan and Iran. Like Italians, they're one of the Mediterranean tribe who lived in northern coastal regions. That's why they are called 'Western Asia'.
Arabian youth Conference
King Abdullah II of Jordan's family

Orang-orang kulit cerah Afrika Utara dan Timur Tengah termasuk 10 orang-orang paling menawan di dunia. Mereka tak hanya baik dalam penampilan dan wajah, tetapi juga otak. Pada 2000 tahun sebelum Masehi, Orang-orang Mesir dapat membangun arsitektur raksasa yang unik, yang masih bisa berdiri hingga sekarang, yaitu Sphinx dan piramida. Orang-orang Arab juga telah menemukan aljabar (oleh karenanya disebut Al-Jabar yang artinya dijabarkan) terlebih dahulu sebelum Bangsa Eropa membawa dan mengembangkannya di Utara. Orang-orang kulit putih Timur Tengah dapat dijumpai dengan mudah di Afrika Utara, khususnya di Pesisir Mediterania sepanjang Mesir hingga Aljazair. Di Semenanjung Arab, mereka bisa dijumpai di Jordania, Turki, Irak, Suriah, dan Palestina. Ada sedikit bangsa Arab kulit putih yang tinggal di Afganistan dan Iran. Sama seperti orang-orang Italia, mereka juga salah satu Suku Mediterania yang tinggal di daerah pesisir Utara. Itulah sebabnya mereka disebut 'Bule Asia'.
Iraqi children
Arabian Young Generations

4. Central Asians
Central Asians are a group of nations who lived in the central part of Asia, between People's Republic of China until Caspian Sea. The majority of the central Asians are bright skinned people, which have been experiencing an assimilation process with the Russians in the Soviet era. All of Central Asian countries, except Mongolia, were the federation states of the Soviet Union. They're now become the members of Commonwealth of Independence States (CIS). Central Asians consists of seven countries, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirghistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Armenia. The people have European face like Russians. Their nose is sharp, and thick haired. Although they're the descendants of the Russians, their hair still black like other Asians. They lived in the cold area, so they have bright skin and dark eyes. Central Asians also including to Caucasoid race which moved to Asia and stay there.
Central Asians of Kazakhstan

Orang-orang Asia Tengah adalah sekelompok bangsa yang tinggal di bagian tengah Asia, di antara Republik Rakyat Cina hingga Laut Kaspia. Mayoritas orang Asia Tengah adalah orang kulit cerah, yang telah mengalami proses pembauran dengan Bangsa Rusia di era Soviet. Seluruh negara Asia Tengah, kecuali Mongolia, adalah negara bagian Uni Soviet yang kini tergabung dalam Persemakmuran Negara-Negara Merdeka (CIS). Asia Tengah terdiri dari 7 negara, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirgiztan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, dan Armenia. Orang-orangnya berwajah Eropa seperti orang Rusia. Hidung mereka mancung, dan berambut tebal. Meskipun mereka adalah keturunan Bangsa Rusia, rambut mereka tetap hitam seperti kebanyakan orang Asia lainnya. Mereka tinggal di wilayah dingin, sehingga mereka berkulit putih dan bermata gelap. Orang-orang Asia Tengah juga termasuk ras Kaukasoid yang pindah ke Asia dan menetap di sana.

5. British
British is the name of ethnic group which lived in Great Britain and Ireland, especially in north. British also known as gentle people, who can fulfill their promises and can be believed. British is one of the Nordic tribe, with bright coloured eyes, blonde haired, sharp nose, and bright skin. The eyes colours of the Britons are variety, like green, brown, blue, and gold. The hair of the Britons are thick. The ethnic is same like the Netherlanders and other Western Europe nations. Large populations of British can be found in the United Kingdom, Ireland, North America, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and Gilbraltar.
Girls Aloud, British girls band
Group of British

Bangsa Inggris adalah nama dari sekelompok etnik di Britania Raya dan Irlandia, terutama di utara. Bangsa Inggris juga dikenal sebagai orang-orang yang jantan, yang bisa memenuhi janji-janji mereka serta dapat dipercaya. Bangsa Inggris juga termasuk dalam Suku Nordik, dengan mata berwarna, rambut pirang, hidung mancung, dan kulit cerah. Warna mata orang-orang Inggris bermacam-macam, seperti hijau, coklat, biru, dan keemasan. Rambut orang-orang Inggris tebal. Etniknya sama dengan orang-orang Belanda dan bangsa-bangsa Eropa Barat lainnya. Populasi besar orang Inggris dapat dijumpai di Britania Raya, Irlandia, Amerika Utara, Australia, Afrika Selatan, Selandia Baru, dan Gilbraltar.
British police

Luke Mably, British actor

6. Hindustani
Hindustan lived in South Asia. They can be found easily in India and Pakistan. Hindustanis are different with Singh Indians. Not like Singh, Hindustani have bright coloured skin and the descendants of Aryans. Usually, Hindustanis come from south India, in Calcutta or east India. Hindustanis are mainly moslem, cause they have Afghanistan or Pakistan blood. Hindustan ethnic group bring the economy of India developed fast, the second fastest in the world after China. Hindustan have bright eyes, with thick-dark hair and tall body. Hindustan Indians are one of the Caucasoid race in Asia, same as Central and Western Asians.
Kareena Kapoor, a Hindustani

Hindustan tinggal di Asia Selatan. Mereka bisa dijumpai dengan mudah di India dan Pakistan. Hindustan berbeda dengan India Singh. Tidak seperti Singh, Hindustan memiliki kulit cerah dan merupakan keturunan dari Bangsa Arya. Orang Hindustan umumnya muslim, karena mereka memiliki darah Afganistan atau Pakistan. Kelompok etnik Hindustan membawa ekonomi India berkembang dengan cepat, tercepat kedua di dunia setelah Cina. Hindustan memiliki mata cerah, dan rambut gelap yang tebal serta tubuh tinggi. Hindustan adalah satu dari ras Kaukasoid di Asia, sama seperti orang-orang Asia Tengah dan Barat.
Shah Rukh Khan, the greatest actor of India, he's a Hindustani

7. Mexicans
Still remember about telenovela? Mexicans are one from The most 10 personable people around the world. For you the telenovela lovers, Mexico always show new comers everytime, and everybody can't explain their charm and beauty. The Mexicans are the descendants of Hispanic Spain, with bright skin, brown-dark eyes, and medium in height. Mexicans have thick hair, blonde but sometimes black. They are called Latin Americans, same as other citizens of South America. The immigrants, who now become the majority, come from South Europe, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece. You know? People in south part of the United States usually proud and admire Mexican's behavior, smile, and beauty.
Gabriella Spanic, a Mexican actress starring Paulina

Masih ingat telenovela? Orang-orang Meksiko adalah satu dari 10 orang paling rupawan di dunia. Untukmu pencinta telenovela, Meksiko selalu menampilkan pendatang-pendatang baru setiap waktu, dan semua orang tak bisa menjelaskan pesona dan kecantikan mereka. Orang-orang Meksiko adalah keturunan Hispanik Spanyol, dengan kulit cerah, mata coklat gelap, dan tinggi yang sedang. Orang-orang Meksiko memiliki rambut tebal, pirang tetapi kadang-kadang hitam. Mereka disebut orang-orang Amerika Latin, sama seperti orang-orang Amerika Selatan lainnya. Para imigran, yang sekarang menjadi mayoritas, datang dari Eropa Selatan, Spanyol, Portugal, Italia, dan Yunani. Kau tahu? Orang Amerika Serikat bagian selatan biasanya bangga dan memuji sikap, senyum, dan kecantikan orang-orang Meksiko.
Gabriella Spanic

8. Greeks
Greek is the name of nation who lived in Balkan Peninsula, South Europe. It's a dry and hot region, and the soil is infertile. Greek is famous of their culture, philosophy, and history. The most famous people from Greece are Aristoteles and Delil Pythagoras. Greeks have bright-coloured and fresh skin, with brown eyes like Italians. Although including to European nation and Mediterranean tribe, but their body isn't as high as the people in central, east, and west Europe. Their nose, usually, sharp, and the Greeks like white as their main colour. Not all of the Greeks are bright skinned. In south, the Greeks are dark-coloured in skin and curly hair. Population of Greeks also can be found in Italy, America, Turkey, Bulgaria, Russia, and the ex-countries of Yugoslavia.
Greek girls

Greek boys in Athens

Bangsa Yunani adalah nama sebuah bangsa yang tinggal di Semenanjung Balkan, Eropa Selatan. Semenanjung Balkan adalah daerah yang kering dan panas, tanahnya juga tidak subur. Orang Yunani terkenal dengan budaya, filosofi, dan sejarahnya, Orang-orang paling terkenal di Yunani adalah Aristoteles dan Delil Pythagoras. Bangsa Yunani berkulit terang dan segar, dengan mata kecoklatan seperti orang Italia. Meskipun termasuk Bangsa Eropa dan Suku Mediterania, tetapi tubuh mereka tidak setinggi orang-orang di Eropa Tengah, Timur, dan Barat. Hidung mereka, biasanya, mancung, dan orang Yunani menyukai warna putih sebagai warna utama mereka. Tidak semua orang Yunani berkulit terang. Di selatan, orang-orang Yunani ada yang berkulit gelap dan berambut keriting. Populasi orang Yunani juga bisa ditemukan di Italia, Amerika, Turki, Bulgaria, Rusia, dan negara-negara eks-Yugoslavia.
Two Greeks in world cup

9. Dane
Dane is one of the Nordic tribe and European nation. They lived in Northern Europe near Scandinavia and also in Greenland. Their country, Denmark, is situated in the north of Germany. Dane have bright skin, bright-coloured eyes, tall-muscular body, and thick-blonde hair. Dane lived in cold area, that's why their skin is bright-coloured. But not like their neighbor in Scandinavia, who has less pigment, Dane still have pigment as much as Germans. Large population of Dane also can be found in Germany, Scandinavia, France, and Netherlands.
Prince Frederik and his wife, Mary Donaldson
Prince Frederik, prince of Denmark
Orang Denmark adalah satu dari Suku Nordik dan Bangsa Eropa. Mereka tinggal di Eropa Utara dekat Skandinavia dan juga di Greenland. Negara mereka, Denmark, terletak di utara Jerman. Orang Denmark memiliki kulit terang, mata berwarna cerah, tubuh tinggi kekar, dan rambut pirang tebal. Orang Denmark tinggal di daerah dingin, oleh karenanya kulit mereka berwarna terang. tetapi tidak seperti tetangga mereka di Skandinavia, yang memiliki sedikit pigmen, orang-orang Denmark masih mempunyai pigmen sebanyak orang Jerman. Populasi besar orang Denmark juga dapat dijumpai di Jerman, Skandinavia, Perancis, dan Belanda.

Female Dane in traditional dress
Vietnamese is a tribe who lived in Indochina Peninsula, in the coastal region near China. Like other East and Southeast Asians, they've yellow-brown coloured skin, slanting eyes, medium height, and black-thick hair. Vietnamese not only lived in Vietnam, they also can be found in Thailand, Laos, and a little in Burma. After the Vietnam War ended in 1975, large groups of Vietnamese from South Vietnam fleed into another countries, like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, France, Australia, and the United States. Now, they're including to immigrant nations in the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, People's Republic of China, and Indonesia. Vietnamese have charming smile and the most beautiful people in Southeast Asia.
Vietnamese Girls
Suku Vietnam adalah nama sebuah suku yang tinggal di Semenanjung Indocina, di wilayah pesisir dekat Cina. Sama seperti orang-orang Asia Timur dan Tenggara lainnya, mereka mempunyai kulit kuning kecoklatan, mata sipit, tinggi sedang, dan rambut hitam tebal. Suku Vietnam tidak hanya tinggal di Vietnam, mereka juga dapat dijumpai di Thailand, Laos, dan sedikit di Myanmar. Setelah Perang Vietnam berakhir pada 1975, banyak orang Vietnam dari Vietnam Selatan yang mengungsi ke negara lain, seperti Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Perancis, Australia, dan Amerika Serikat. Sekarang, mereka termasuk bangsa imigran di Amerika Serikat, Singapura, Malaysia, Republik Rakyat Cina, dan Indonesia. Orang-orang Vietnam memiliki senyum menawan dan orang tercantik di Asia Tenggara.
Tang Thanh Ha, Vietnamese actress

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  • NolaIndian32
    08-06 01:07 PM
    Received an email from CRIS stating that Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident. Those who are tracking approval, check out IV profile/tracker.

    Hi Wandmaker,

    Congratulations on getting your approval and green card.

    Could you please decode your Case Number using the info in another thread on this site - and tell us what year and what day your case was received by the Service Center?


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  • wc_user
    12-24 10:07 PM
    All said and done, isn't it safer to just get your H1-B stamped and come back using H1-B visa. This way, there is no doubt. I have an AP, but I am planning to get my H1-B visa stamped when I go to India in January.

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  • dipu76
    06-01 06:16 PM
    It is illegal.
    It will be great if someone can send me any reference to confirm that it is illegal..

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  • FredG
    April 17th, 2004, 08:15 PM
    Sounds like a soap opera to me. :rolleyes:


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  • h1b_tristate
    07-28 08:35 PM
    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for your replies. I called a couple of lawyer offices and this is the response i got.

    For the candidate to switch jobs here are the rules:

    1) The labour in the new company should be filed 365 days BEFORE the end of the second H1B.
    2) To keep getting 3 year extentions, your I-140 in the First company should be approved
    3) The First company should NOT revoke your existing Green Card application.

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  • BimmerFAn
    06-23 06:48 PM
    I you're right about that! At least that takes all this immigration stuff off my plate. It would be nice not to have to worry about having to go back to a country I don't even know anymore. I came to the US (legally) when I was 10 and now im approaching my mid 20s. I don't think the DREAM act if passed would even apply to me.. which is BS but that's another discussion all together.

    Anyways... I would still like someone to give me a more definitive answer about possibly qualifying for EB2. My impression is that since most people my level have a Masters and it was an implied requirement that could be substituted with a Masters equivalent than wouldn't it stand to reason that I have a great shot at EB2. It's impossible to get a CPA License in my state without having a Masters in accounting or a Bachelor's degree ant 150 credits + experience. It's not "unskilled labor". The CFA is even crazier.


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  • Maverick1
    11-21 09:28 PM
    Do you guys see what happens after January 2nd (or after 6 months of receipt date)....Most of the contractors (who applied their 485 in july) will look for permanent job OR demand more money from their employers...OR more benefits from employer. Employers try to be calm and don't conflict with us. What do u guys think??

    Is it going to be tough for desi consultants to earn more money by placing their employees as consultants? Because there are already so many people ready to do permanent job.

    May be some will fall in to that category. I know quite a few who have FT job and want to start consulting now. There is no single pattern for all.

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  • royus77
    06-18 12:39 PM
    When had filed my I140 I did send my coworkers reference letter ...yet i got a rfe requesting for employer's experience letter..

    Make sure that your co-worker is the one who you reported rather than a peer .It will fetch a lot .


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  • dipu76
    06-01 06:16 PM
    It is illegal.
    It will be great if someone can send me any reference to confirm that it is illegal..

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  • GCwaitforever
    01-24 11:27 AM
    Filing for I-485 is better as after six months, the employers can not do much. Disagree with this post altogether.


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  • lost_in_migration
    05-15 10:42 AM

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  • akhilmahajan
    02-10 04:45 PM
    First of all Congrats!!!!!!!1

    I am just curious, if you were on H-1B or have used EAD. If you had used EAD, did you work during these 3 months.

    Infact, I got good news today. My MTR approved after 3 months. My 485 was denied due to withdrawal of I140 by previous employer (AC21 case).

    So I had applied MTR and approved today. Looks like USCIS understood the error and approving all MTR (I didn't hear a single MTR rejection on AC21 case )


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  • xbohdpukc
    03-05 02:57 PM
    I guess that's how much they value the American Dream, so let it be, I'll pay that price, no prob.

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  • amits
    10-09 11:55 AM
    I will join as well.


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  • gk_2000
    03-31 01:39 PM
    Forget this Crab story...it�s a crap story written by one idiot followed by other idiots only when its adding value for their argument.

    You were one of them, if I remember right..

    However, I appreciate the rest of your post. It makes a lot of sense. We should talk only about things that benefit EB community. Leave things like this to the anti's.

    When anti's strike, we should counter-strike by saying: So solution is, grant GC etc :D

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  • need4gc
    08-15 01:50 PM
    Congrats.Can you share who signed your packet and what time it reached NSC? I am just curious whether i will have any luck..to get the RN in next couple of days.
    It was signed by R William at 9:30 AM on 07/03/2007.


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  • PlainSpeak
    04-07 02:03 PM
    Please stop this discussion about US university and Indian university or for that matter about octopus

    This thread is about Retrogression, priority dates and Visa bulletins so if someone has seen the May 2011 VB lets talk about it

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