Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Miranda Lambert - Kerosene (Official Music Video
Miranda Lambert - Kerosene (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: Miranda Lambert
12:24 AM

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Good Time Line Dance Country Clip Alan Jackson
Danse du clip vidéo "Good Time"
Dance Steps to Alan Jackson's "Good Time"
48 Count, 4 Wall Line Dance
Choreographed by Jenny Cain Nashville, Tenn.
With over 200 dancers and only two days of rehearsals, Alan Jackson's new video for "Good Time" was well on its way! It was Alan's joke in the beginning that the song was so country, they were gonna bring line dancing back ... but what a great idea it was!
Award-winning director Trey Fanjoy hit the ground running with this idea of having the world's longest line dance. Soon, all that was needed was a choreographer to put it together. That's where I came in. Being a seasoned dancer and choreographer at Nashville's Wildhorse Saloon, I knew I could do it ... but the question lingered: Would I be selected despite my limited experience in music videos? Two days later, it was confirmed I had the job. Only having a week before the shoot, there wasn't much time to put this thing together. However, there were a few things that had to be thought through.
First, I knew it had to be a dance that was gender-friendly. It needed moves that both guys and girls were comfortable doing. Next, it had to be easy, but I wanted it to look difficult. The difficult dances usually look very cool and are fun to watch. So it had to be a dance that was able to capture attention but also able to be picked up by anybody. I used only 40 counts, which followed suit with dances that did so well in the past such as the "Watermelon Crawl."
Finally, the dance was ready and dancers were needed for the shoot. Lots of them! We searched high and low, using talent agencies, radio winners and even fan club members. The first day was the longest and proved to be the best for footage.
Alan and his wife, Denise, were both on the set — eager to make a great video. Alan even took time to meet every dancer. When it was my turn, he really wanted me to know how much he appreciated my hard work on the dance. He made it clear that he was not a dancer, but he thought the dance was great. I've been in this industry a long time, and I can honestly say that I have never met any two people who seem as down to earth as Alan and Denise. Who they are is who they are, and you can tell they've never forgotten that.
The dancers spent hours in the sun doing this dance over and over. At one point, the line was so long that a lot of the dancers couldn't hear the music from the stage. So I grabbed a bullhorn and ran to where they were and counted off every step for those dancers to stay on beat. The next two days were spent literally all over Nashville and Franklin, Tenn., doing this dance. In the video, you will see a clip of a woman in a purple shirt coming into the farmers market. This lady was not part of the cast and had no idea what we were doing ... but she decided on her own to jump in the line and began to pick up the dance. Fortunately, we got it all on film! It was perfect. We couldn't have scripted that scene any better! Lots of people worked hard to make this video great. Hair, makeup, wardrobe and even the water boys were constantly there to help, and we couldn't be more grateful. As for me, I couldn't be more pleased. I've even started a company for booking more projects like this.
All along, I had no doubts about Trey, her production and the crew producing a great video. Even Alan said he had a good feeling about it from the beginning. So please check out his video for "Good Time" and do the dance. It's fun and easy, I promise!
Dance Steps to Alan Jackson's "Good Time"
48 Count, 4 Wall Line Dance
Choreographed by Jenny Cain
Nashville, Tenn.
Dance Steps to Alan Jackson's "Good Time"
48 Count, 4 Wall Line Dance
Choreographed by Jenny Cain Nashville, Tenn.
With over 200 dancers and only two days of rehearsals, Alan Jackson's new video for "Good Time" was well on its way! It was Alan's joke in the beginning that the song was so country, they were gonna bring line dancing back ... but what a great idea it was!
Award-winning director Trey Fanjoy hit the ground running with this idea of having the world's longest line dance. Soon, all that was needed was a choreographer to put it together. That's where I came in. Being a seasoned dancer and choreographer at Nashville's Wildhorse Saloon, I knew I could do it ... but the question lingered: Would I be selected despite my limited experience in music videos? Two days later, it was confirmed I had the job. Only having a week before the shoot, there wasn't much time to put this thing together. However, there were a few things that had to be thought through.
First, I knew it had to be a dance that was gender-friendly. It needed moves that both guys and girls were comfortable doing. Next, it had to be easy, but I wanted it to look difficult. The difficult dances usually look very cool and are fun to watch. So it had to be a dance that was able to capture attention but also able to be picked up by anybody. I used only 40 counts, which followed suit with dances that did so well in the past such as the "Watermelon Crawl."
Finally, the dance was ready and dancers were needed for the shoot. Lots of them! We searched high and low, using talent agencies, radio winners and even fan club members. The first day was the longest and proved to be the best for footage.
Alan and his wife, Denise, were both on the set — eager to make a great video. Alan even took time to meet every dancer. When it was my turn, he really wanted me to know how much he appreciated my hard work on the dance. He made it clear that he was not a dancer, but he thought the dance was great. I've been in this industry a long time, and I can honestly say that I have never met any two people who seem as down to earth as Alan and Denise. Who they are is who they are, and you can tell they've never forgotten that.
The dancers spent hours in the sun doing this dance over and over. At one point, the line was so long that a lot of the dancers couldn't hear the music from the stage. So I grabbed a bullhorn and ran to where they were and counted off every step for those dancers to stay on beat. The next two days were spent literally all over Nashville and Franklin, Tenn., doing this dance. In the video, you will see a clip of a woman in a purple shirt coming into the farmers market. This lady was not part of the cast and had no idea what we were doing ... but she decided on her own to jump in the line and began to pick up the dance. Fortunately, we got it all on film! It was perfect. We couldn't have scripted that scene any better! Lots of people worked hard to make this video great. Hair, makeup, wardrobe and even the water boys were constantly there to help, and we couldn't be more grateful. As for me, I couldn't be more pleased. I've even started a company for booking more projects like this.
All along, I had no doubts about Trey, her production and the crew producing a great video. Even Alan said he had a good feeling about it from the beginning. So please check out his video for "Good Time" and do the dance. It's fun and easy, I promise!
Dance Steps to Alan Jackson's "Good Time"
48 Count, 4 Wall Line Dance
Choreographed by Jenny Cain
Nashville, Tenn.
11:44 PM

Alan Jackson - Midnight in Montgomery (Official Music Video
Alan Jackson - Midnight in Montgomery (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: Midnight in montgomery, Alan Jackson
11:31 PM

Jennifer HUDSON
Jennifer Kate Hudson (born September 12, 1981) is an American recording artist, actress and spokesperson.[1] She came to prominence in 2004 as one of the finalists on the third season of American Idol coming in seventh place. She made her film debut in the 2006 film Dreamgirls which won her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, a Golden Globe Award, a BAFTA Award, an NAACP Image Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award.
She won a Grammy Award for her eponymous debut album, Jennifer Hudson, which was released in 2008 on Arista Records and was certified gold by the RIAA for selling over 700,000 copies in the US; sales exceeded 1 million copies worldwide. Additionally it spawned the hit single "Spotlight".
In late 2008, after Hudson's mother, brother and nephew were killed in a shooting, Hudson stepped out of the limelight for three months. Hudson resumed her public appearances in 2009, and has since performed at the Super Bowl XLIII, the Grammy Awards, American Idol, and The Oprah Winfrey Show.[2] Hudson has been described as a friend of President Barack Obama, who invited her to appear with him at a fundraiser in Beverly Hills in May 2009.[3] She also performed at the White House at the "Celebration of Music from the Civil Rights Movement"
3:59 AM

Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Příběhy slavných
Projděte si peklem, vylezte z léčebny - a vydělejte miliony!
26.03.2011 08:30
Kdysi znamenala drogová nebo alkoholová závislost pro celebrity velký problém, zničení kariéry, nezřídka úplnou stopku. V posledních desetiletích je to však zcela naopak - pobyt v léčebně nejen zlepší životní návyky "slavných", často dokonce nastartuje jejich skomírající profesní dráhu.
Které hvězdy v posledních letech dokázaly znovu nakopnout svoji "vyléčenou káru"? Upozorňujeme, že následovat příklad těchto celebrit v žádném případě nedoporučujeme.
1. Robert Downey jr.
V roce 1987 hrál kokainistu v Less Than Zero. Málokdo věděl, že má sám problém s drogami. V 90. letech byl trestán za držení drog a podstoupil řadu léčení. O jeho problémech se dozvěděl celý svět.
Od roku 2001 se snaží zůstat čistý a pokračovat v kariéře. Musel často pracovat za podmínek, na které nebyl zvyklý, například v roce 2003 dostal za film Gothika 40 procent honoráře až po dokončení filmu.
Podařilo se mu však vrátit na výsluní, v roce 2008 byl nominován na Oscara za Tropic Thunder a zazářil v roli Sherlocka Holmese (který mimochodem v několika povídkách A. C. Doyla kvůli své přílišné inteligenci a nedostatku sociální "potravy" plní své žíly injekčními stříkačkami s hodně "podezřelým" obsahem).
2. Drew Barrymoreová
V sedmi letech zahájila slavnou kariéru ve filmu E.T. Její kariéra strmě stoupala, ale přinášela i zápory, kouřit například začala v devíti.
Ve třinácti z ní pak byla "mladá troska". Kouřila marihuanu, pila alkohol a kokain znala zleva i zprava.
Ve čtrnácti za sebou měla dva začátky léčení, druhá léčba byla naštěstí úspěšná. Po několika menších filmech, díky nimž získala znovu důvěru Hollywoodu, se dostala k významnějším rolím.
Na konci 90. let již patřila k hvězdám romantických komedií, definitivní superstar se stala po roli v "Charlie's Angels".
3. Eric Clapton
Jeden z nejuznávanějších kytaristů na světě byl kvůli drogám několikrát na sklonku kariéry i života jako takového.
Na konci 70. let byl závislý na heroinu, a ačkoli se vyléčil, pouze vytloukl klín klínem - propadl alkoholu.
V roce 1982 se začal léčit, v roce 1985 se vrátil s albem Behind the Sun. Na začátku 90. let pak "zboural" hitparády se skladbou Tears in Heaven a později s albem Unplugged ze slavné série MTV.
4. Gary Oldman
V roce 1986 tento britský herec prorazil v roli basáka Sex Pistols Sida Viciouse ve filmu Sid and Nancy. Na začátku 90. let exceloval v rolích Draculy a Harveyho Oswalda, pravděpodobného vraha J. F. Kennedyho.
Jeho problémy s alkoholem v té době byly veřejným tajemstvím. V roce 1993 naštěstí pro sebe i světový film nastoupil léčbu a s alkoholem se časem vypořádal.
Od té doby se objevil ve filmech, které patří k nejvýdělečnějším v historii (série o Harrym Potterovi a Batman: The Dark Knight).
5. Steven Tyler
...a Joe Perry, chtělo by se říci. "Drogová dvojčata" z kapely Aerosmith patřily v 70. letech k nejpopulárnějším postavám americké rockové scény. Fanoušci dodnes na koncertech vyžadují hity jako Dream On nebo Sweet Emotion.
Majitel výstavního chrapláku a druhých největších rtů po Micku Jaggerovi se ve stejné době bohužel stal legendou i díky množství drog, které jeho subtilní tělo dokázalo vstřebat. V polovině 80. let ten problém už nešlo ignorovat. Zbytek kapely ho přiměl k léčbě z těžké závislosti.
Aerosmith se vrátili v roce 1987 s albem Permanent Vacation, jehož se prodalo 5 milionů kopií - slušný výkon. V roce 1989 následovalo 7milionové Pump. Další hity jako Cryin, Crazy nebo Living on the Edge jsou dodnes mezi nejhranějšími skladbami 90. let.
6. David Bowie
V 70. letech vyprodukoval tento multižánrový umělec několik legendárních desek, například The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust (1972 a Spiders from Mars. V roce 1975 slavil úspěch ve Spojených státech se singlem Fame, který nenapsal s nikým menším než Johnem Lennonem.
Ve stejné době ovšem kokain začal ohrožovat nejen jeho sociální "kondici", ale samotný život.
V 80. letech se Bowiemu podařilo s drogami skoncovat a zahájit novou dekádu singlem Ashes to Ashes, jímž se vrátil na první místo britské hitparády. Následovala spolupráce s kapelou Queen (Under Pressure). Album Let's Dance pak znamenalo definitivní návrat na výsluní.
7. Samuel L. Jackson
Nemá smysl vyjmenovávat filmy, ve kterých tento americký herec zaujal diváky.
Možná by však počty byly "pohodlnější", nebýt včasného zásahu jeho rodiny, která jej donutila k léčbě ze závislosti na kokainu a heroinu. Ta ho několikrát téměř stála život.
Po léčbě se vrátil shodou okolností rolí muže závislého na cracku ve filmu Jungle Fever. Od té doby se jeho kariéra vrátila do hvězdných výšin. Pulp Fiction (nominace na Oscara), Die Hard with a Vengeance nebo kultovní Snakes on a Plane z roku 2006 - jen krátká ukázka toho, co kvůli drogám vůbec nemuselo být.
8. Eminem
Marshall Mathers, raper známý jako Eminem, dosáhl nečekaného úspěchu se svým druhým albem The Marshall Mathers LP (2000), jehož se jen za první týden prodaly skoro dva miliony kopií.
V roce 2005 se však jeho závratná kariéra zasekla - Eminem skoro na dva roky prakticky zmizel ze scény. Začal se totiž léčit ze závislosti na Ambienu.
Roku 2009 znovu nastartoval kariéru pětimilionovým prodejem alba Relapse. Loni následovala výstižně nazvaná deska Recovery. Ve Spojených státech je stále považován za "Pana Rappera" mezi "bílými".
9. Ray Charles
Během kariéry, která trvala skoro 60 let, dokázal bluesový pianista a zpěvák chrlit hit za hitem. Jen zasvěcení však věděli o jeho závislosti na heroinu, která začala už v 16 letech.
V roce 1964 byl zatčen za držení drog a vězení unikl jen díky pětileté léčbě.
Když překonal tento problém, stal se symbolem amerického blues. Jeho Georgia on My Mind se stala v roce 1979 hymnou státu Georgia a America The Beautiful se hrála při řadě nejvýznamnějších událostí, například na Super Bowlu. Hrál při inauguraci prezidentů Ronalda Reagana a Billa Clintona.
10. Michael Douglas
A nakonec nejslavnější filmový makléř Gordon Gekko. V 60. a 70. letech byl Michael Douglas známý především jako syn slavného otce Kirka.
Z jeho stínu částečně vystoupil v polovině 70. let, kdy produkoval úspěšný Formanův film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
V 80. letech se stal i uznávaným hercem, za Gekka získal Oscara, zaskvěl se i ve filmu Fatal Attraction. V roce 1992, půl roku po premiéře dalšího trháku Basic Instinct, zahájil léčbu ze závislosti na kokainu a alkoholu.
Jeho kariéra však pokračovala velice rychle - a úspěšně. Nejen penězi živ je člověk - Douglas žije s jednou z nejkrásnějších hereček světa Catherine Zeta-Jonesovou.
Článek vznikl ve spolupráci s Investičním webem.
2:24 PM

Fotografie České miss 2008 Elišky Bučkové
8. září 2008
Změnilo se toho hodně, ale je to super. Tak hodnotí převrat, který jí v životě způsobilo vítězství v soutěži Česká Miss 2008, Eliška Bučková. Dá se jí to věřit, focení pro si evidentně užívala. "Normální studentka, která bydlela doma ve Strážnici a chodila do školy," je dnes ve víru velkoměsta, na přehlídkových molech a před objektivy fotoaparátů jako doma.
12:55 AM

Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
TOP STAR: Stella Zázvorková
zábava Legendární filmová maminka a komediální herečka, která celý život strávila ve stínu životní tragédie. S vlastní matkou nevycházela, své dceři lásku dát nestihla. Jak se vyrovnala s její sebevraždou? A na čem ztroskotalo její jediné manželství s Milošem Kopeckým? Co si o ní myslí její kolegové a přátelé I. Janžurová, P. Landovský, N. Konvalinková, K. Fialová, R. Rázlová či V. Vorlíček?
Nejdrsnější celebrit
11:38 PM

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